Wait? You Don't Take Insurance? Why?

Lets face it, the American health care system is not what it once was.  We lost our pride in quality work.  Quality care requires time, effort, and attention to details.  How much time, effort, and attention to details did you experience at your last medical appointment?  Here are some behind the scenes details you probably didn’t know. A referral to PT usually is set for 3 times a week for 4 weeks.  Thats for the PTs benefit not the patient.  The frequency and duration of the prescription is giving the insurance permission to be billed for 12 visits or maximizing the number of visits.  Why see the patient for that many visits?  Because if the PT gets reimbursed $3-30 per visit, you need to be seen all 12 visits to come as close as possible to covering the cost of doing business.  Now if the PT multiplies the per patient amount times 60 patients in a day, there is a profit.  There is no way that quality care is involved, the PTs cannot do both.  So where is the patient in all of this?  Left in a room to do cookie cutter exercises off a pre made copied piece of paper or hot pack, ultrasound, and massage every patient who walks in the door.  There is no skill involved in that style of PT whatsoever.  There isn’t even ANY (not one shred) of scientific evidence that these treatment options are helpful.  What is helpful?  One-on-one care.  A skilled, experienced health professional taking the time to listen, act with precision, and invest in the best possible outcome.  Yes, this style of care may be more expensive per visit but will be seen for less visits.  That is less time off work, less time out from school, less travel time, and more valuable experience.  The goal is to be educated on what the problem is, healthy (resolve the problem), with a discharge plan to stay healthy.   Saving you time, energy, money in the long run, and stress of a prolonged injury experience.  The goal is for the patient to be healthier at the time of discharge than the day they got injured.  Invest in your health.  Don’t just patch it up.  Learn how to manage your injury in a way that it does not return or compensate and become a longer lasting problem.