When you believe in something, stand by it.
Since moving to the US, there were a few things that troubled me about the Physical Therapy model and the way in which healthcare was delivered and perceived. I was born and raised in Scotland, GB, where we have the luxury of socialized medicine. This means that if you are unwell or hurt, healthcare services are available to you at no direct cost. In addition to providing these services a heavy weight is placed on preventative health care. This healthcare model is designed to empower people to take their health into their own hands, giving them the resources and knowledge to do so.
I guess that was the main thing that troubled me. I felt that patients in the states are denied that empowerment. Instead their healthcare is dictated for them and the knowledge withheld to an extent, developing instead a ‘reactive’ healthcare model. Sometimes when a system or perceived problem is as big as this one, it overshadows your beliefs, your training, your desire to spread this knowledge and empowerment; you can become complacent to the fact. That’s not my style.
I am an active triathlete and try to keep up to date as well as the next person through social media avenues like Facebook, which is where Ron Gallagher caught my eye. Here he was, a PT, of a new clinic Maximum Velocity providing FREE informative clinics for the Las Vegas Triathlon Club on various aspects of training, recovery and wellness. He was targeting a healthy triathlete population and providing them with knowledge to empower them to continue living and training in a healthy way. Now this I could get on board with. I sought out Ron and looked into the way he was running his clinic. To my delight it resonated a familiar feel and ambience I had missed since leaving the UK. I knew instantly that this was where I needed to be, not just professionally but as an athlete.
I believe in patient empowerment. I believe in the power of the human body. I believe in biomechanics. I believe in hard work. I believe in doing things the right way. I believe that success is a byproduct of determination, graft and integrity. I believe in Maximum Velocity.
I'm excited about working at Maximum Velocity, and I can't wait to begin working with people dedicated to improving their health and athletic performance through one on one physical therapy and specialized training that only MVPT offers. I'm now taking appointments beginning September 8, 2015. Please call at 702-998-2900 or email at rjg_mpt@yahoo.com or visit our webpage at maxvelocityPT.com